Exploratory Writing W4A

When considering gender as a “hyperobject” viewpoint, I begin to ponder if we can apply other identities into this framework of reimaged space. Gender is an undefined characteristic with no limits of scale to encompass its incredible range. As I pondered other identities that may be also be hyperobject, my mind went straight to race. Can race and ethnicity break through boundaries and limits like gender can? Although individual’s race and ethnicity become differentiated from one another through vast diversity, race feels more stationary compared to gender. Race can be mixed and expressed through all sorts of cultures and traditions, but the simplicity of choice and range of exploration is unlike gender. Gender is abstract, but race is not. I then decided to apply religion to this idea of hyper-objectivity. In my opinion, religion is more abstract than race, but less than gender. Religion, as a construct, is complex, but as humans, we have been able to dictate and control the narrative. In other words, religion exists because humans agree that is exists. With this understanding, are we able to see its limits? Similarly, to gender, is religion able to also negotiate its boundaries? This brings me back to the title “glitch encrypts”. Encryptions usually refers to converting some language into code so that it can be read/ understood/used in various dimensions. With this being said, I believe that author is hinting at the idea that gender can be re-oriented and “re-written” in a way where non-binary souls can feel alive and thrive with their own re-imaged versions of their bodies. I think an individual can take a similar approach to religion. Whatever you value, whatever humbles you, and whatever keeps you afloat may be the root of your faith. It does not have to be a formal approach. Religion, similarly to gender, can be encrypted.

The moment I read “glitch is anti-body ”, I thought of my previous reflection regarding bodily and internet analogies . I had previously discussed the relationship between the term “virus” online vs. in the body, as well as the relationship between a meme and a gene. Glitch, as an anti-body, adds to this list in a very unique and interesting way. In a human body, antibodies are developed to fight off infection (the antigen) and keep your cells healthy. If a glitch plays a similar role, our understanding of glitch feminism is essentially fighting off traditional social and cultural gender standards that are outdated. As an antibody would, glitch feminism is working hard to not only heal the wounds society has left on non-binary people, but it inspires younger generations to promote inclusivity. Lastly, “glitch is skin” follows this trend and list of analogies as well. Glitch feminism’s structure works similarly to skin in the sense that protect, and security is ensured. Those who enter this community and participate in Glitch Feminism are sheltered from hate, animosity and bitterness that society may bring.

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