Exploratory Writing W7A

NFTs Are Fueling a Boom in Digital Art. Here’s How They Work | WSJ - YouTube

Before listening to this YouTube video, I had yet to consider any limitations that NFT’s may have. Not all NFT’s verify that the person who is selling the digital creation is actually the original creator. With this being said, it actually seems quite easy to go online to one of these market places and claim that you have created art that simply is not your own authentic work. This prompted me to question how often this may happen, and what types of security can be adjusted to prevents scams like this from happening? Considering how easy it is to remix digital art, I can imagine it is very hard to create something yourself and have it stay “yours” for forever. How do copy write laws come into play with NFT’s? Is it possible to 100% confirm that a piece of digital art is from its authentic creator?

Another New World | Rhizome

On this topic of fraud and false selling of NFT’s, this article also solidified that there is limited protection in the NFT market place. Many artists, like Rosa Menkman, found that their work had been minted and sold under their own name but with absolutely no consent . The range of rights and ownership laws seem to be extremely broad, resulting in a community of possession competition. It is clear to me that there needs to be a much clearer definition of ownership so artist can receive the credit the deserve without the implications of remixers and scammers . This article mentions that a lot of the tensions and limitations could be lessened if NFT’S were operated as tools that facilitate collaboration rather than just a singular form that someone owns the rights to. This remined me of the work that Chris Nunes is currently undergoing with his project about making a space like Spotify come to life visually. Connecting music with visual aesthetics seems very dynamic, flexible and collaborative. Not only will he be collaborating with all types of musicians , this type of project is created by teams (rather than individuals) and is meant to be enjoyed amongst everyone. I feel like this is one step closer to a re-defined NFT experiment where proprietorship is less strict, and collaboration is key.

The NFT Market Feeds Our Obsession With Ownership

It is clear that the community that involves themselves with NFT’s has strong intentions regarding domination , ownership , and psychological urges to gain property just for the idea of it. This causes a threat to the purest form of the work itself. I worry that artist create pieces that have layers and layers of meaning and abstract understanding that is completely overlooked because of the price tag and its ability gain more value with time. This article further discussed Rosa Menkman’s situation: she released her art as NFTs to preserve them, but her art was frequently minted without her consent. To me, this discounts the beauty of the purest form of her art and all of a sudden, she is bombarded with legal issues and intensive conversations to understand this digital art culture.

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