Self Introduction

Thank you for taking a look at my personal website! Below is an introduction about my experience with the internet.

Hope you enjoy!

About Me

For as long as I can remember, I have always had an instinctual sense of hesitancy when it came to interact with technology and the internet. Although I think this is largely due to my lack of patience and eagerness to explore outside, I do think my parents played a big role in my distant interface with the internet. In simple terms, my parents really do not like screens. Both of their professions are focused on human interaction and people-based skills where they almost never have to sit down at a desk. Because of this, my siblings and I were never gifted phones, computers, videos games, etc. until it became absolutely necessary for school . In 8th grade I received my first phone and first borrowed school lap top. Although I did download Instagram and Snap Chat as social media platforms to use, it seemed as though I missed the times where my generation was playing silly games and exploring fruitful entertainment on sites like Mini Clip, Club Penguin, and Webkinz. As a result, my introduction with the internet was very academic based and usually only for school. There were times when I would feel very disconnected from my friends and peers because the early stages of internet exploration bonded them in a way I could not understand. Unfortunately, I began to feel excluded and “behind”. This gave me a negative connotation with the internet for the longest time until my more recent years, where I have been able to re-evaluate my relationship with the internet. I finally feel like I have caught up in this internet community and I feel like I am at a mature, equal playing field as everyone else. In my free time, I now do find myself sitting at my computer indulging in what the internet may have to offer. I have begun to explore sites like YouTube, Pinterest, Netflix, blogs, news sources, etc. With programs like EDP , I have also explored many more complex sites and levels to the internet I did not know even existed. In more recent years, I have been empowered and motivated to explore the seemingly infinite outlets the internet has to offer. Although my roots still exist deep within me and I will always rather turn my computer off, I feel much less animosity towards the internet, and I am excited to see where it may take us.

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